Monday, December 24, 2007

The Makeup of the Human Body

Makeup up Human body- Minerals in the Blood

Blood is a liquid tissue. This means that it contains cells suspended in a liquid. Red blood cells carry oxygen and help to carry carbon dioxide. White blood cells are involved in the body's defense mechanisms. Platelets are fragments of cells; they help blood to clot. The liquid is called plasma. It contains many important substances which must be carried around the body.

The Blood Plasma contains dissolved substances. Most of these are useful and are carried to places where they are to be stored or used. The products of digestion including glucose, amino acids, mineral salts and vitamins are carried from the small intestines (ileum) to other organs. Glucose is either stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen or used in tissue respiration. Amino acids are used by all your tissues for growth and repair. The liver is able to remove excess amino acids from blood plasma and add some of those which are needed. The nitrogen from excess amino acids is turned into a harmful substance called urea.

Vitamins are carried by plasma from the ileum to all other parts of the body. They help keep your tissues healthy. Minerals like Iron and Zinc are also absorbed into Blood Plasma from the ileum and carried around the body. Different minerals are required for different reasons. You must know that calcium is needed for teeth and bones. It is also required for muscles. Calcium ions are involved in the chemical mechanisms of muscle contractions. So without enough calcium in your diet, your muscles are not able to contract correctly.

Iodine is required by the thyroid gland in your neck to make a hormone called thyroxine. This controls how fast your body works. In particular, thyroxine affects the rate of tissue respiration. Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands and carried in blood plasma to target organs. Insulin is secreted by endocrine glands called "islets of Langerhans". These are small groups of cells in your pancreas. The main target organ for insulin is the liver. Insulin stimulates the liver to convert excess glucose in your blood into glycogen. Insulin is also necessary for tissue

Makeup up Human body- Human Digestion System

A balanced diet must contain carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, mineral salts and fiber. It must contain these things in the correct proportions.


Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy. They contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. The first part of the name "carbo-" means that they contain Carbon. The second part of the name "-hydr-" means that they contain Hydrogen. The third part of the name "-ate-" means that they contain Oxygen. In all carbohydrates the ratio of Hydrogen atoms to Oxygen atoms is 2:1 just like water. We obtain most of our carbohydrate in the form of starch. This is found in potato, rice, spaghetti, yams, bread and cereals. Our digestive system turns all this starch into another carbohydrate called glucose. Glucose is carried around the body in the blood and is used by our tissues as a source of energy. Any glucose in our food is absorbed without the need for digestion. We also get some of our carbohydrate in the form of sucrose; this is the sugar which we put in our tea and coffee. Both sucrose and glucose are sugars, but sucrose molecules are too big to get into the blood, so the digestive system turns it into glucose. When we use glucose in tissue respiration we need Oxygen. This process produces Carbon Dioxide and water and releases energy for other processes.


Proteins are required for growth and repair. Proteins contain Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and sometimes Sulphur. Proteins are very large molecules, so they cannot get directly into our blood; they must be turned into amino-acids by the digestive system. There are over 20 different amino-acids. Our bodies can turn the amino-acids back into protein. When our cells do this they have to put the amino-acids together in the correct order. There are many millions of possible combinations or sequences of amino-acids; it is our DNA which contains the information about how to make proteins. Our cells get their amino-acids from the blood.

Proteins can also be used as a source of energy. When excess amino-acids are removed from the body the Nitrogen is excreted as a chemical called urea. The liver makes urea and the kidney puts the urea into our urine.


Like carbohydrates, fats contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Fats are used as a source of energy: they are also stored beneath the skin helping to insulate us against the cold. Do not think that by avoiding fat in your diet you will stay thin and elegant! If you eat too much carbohydrate and protein, you will convert some of it into fat, so you will put on weight. You must balance the amount of energy containing foods with the amount of energy that you use when you take exercise. You must have some fat in your diet because it contains fat soluble vitamins.


Vitamins are only required in very small quantities. There is no chemical similarity between these chemicals; the similarity between them is entirely biological.

  • Vitamin A: good for your eyes.
  • Vitamin B: about 12 different chemicals.
  • Vitamin C: needed for your body to repair itself.
  • Vitamin D: can be made in your skin, needed for absorption of Calcium.
  • Vitamin E: the nice one - reproduction?
Mineral Salts

These are also needed in small quantities, but we need more of these than we need of vitamins.

Iron: required to make hemoglobin.

Calcium: required for healthy teeth, bones and muscles.

Sodium: all cells need this, especially nerve cells.

Iodine: used to make a hormone called thyroxin.

Zinc is a naturally occurring element. Exposure to high levels of zinc occurs mostly from eating food, drinking water, or breathing workplace air that is contaminated. Low levels of zinc are essential for maintaining good health.


We do not and can not digest cellulose. This is a carbohydrate used by plants to make their cell walls. It is also called roughage. If you do not eat foods materials which contain fiber you might end up with problems of the colon and rectum. The muscles of your digestive system mix food with the digestive juices and push food along the intestines by peristalsis; if there is no fiber in your diet these movements cannot work properly.

A Balanced Diet

You must have carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals salts and fiber in the correct proportions. If there is not enough protein, you will not be able to grow properly and you will not be able to repair yourself i.e. wounds will not heal properly. If you do not have enough energy containing foods you will feel very tired, you will not have enough energy. If you have too much energy containing foods you will become overweight. If you think that you are overweight you might try taking more exercise to "burn off" some of the excess food which you ate at you last meal.

Makeup up Human body- Cell Functions

Cells are specialized to do different jobs. They are usually arranged into tissues. A tissue contains many cells all of the same kind and all doing the same jobs. This is a fairly typical animal cell. Like all other animal cells it has a nucleus, cytoplasm and a cell membrane. Liver cells have many jobs. They remove toxic chemicals from the blood, they store glycogen, they remove excess amino-acids from the blood and make urea which is excreted by the kidneys; they generate heat to warm your blood on a cold day; they store iron, and so on.

Like all other animal and plant cells they contain mitochondria (singular mitochondrion). These are cell organelles. Their job is to obtain energy from glucose by tissue respiration. The energy produced by mitochondria is released into the cell in the form of ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate).

A sperm cell is a single cell and just like other cells it has a nucleus, cytoplasm and a nucleus. It is specialized to carry genetic information. It has very little cytoplasm. It has one very large mitochondrion. It has a long tail. The tail gets ATP energy from the mitochondrion. The tail lashes about like a whip driving the sperm forwards (swimming). The acrosome contains enzymes which help it break into an egg to fertilize the egg.

A motor neuron is very long. The cell is found in the spinal cord or brain. The motor end plates are found on the surface of a muscle. Electrical messages (nerve impulses) are carried along the axon from your brain to one of your muscles. When the impulse gets to a muscle, it makes the muscle contract.

White blood cells are usually a few thousand white blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood. Their jobs are to produce antibodies and to engulf bacteria, i.e. they fight disease. When you have an infection, the number of white blood cells in your blood will rise. They can change their shape and this helps them to squeeze themselves through cracks in your capillary walls. White blood cells can escape from the blood into your tissues to fight infections.

There are approximately five million red blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood, slightly more in men and less in women. The number of red blood cells is higher in people who live at high altitudes. Red blood cells have a perfect shape for absorbing and releasing oxygen. They are full of an iron containing protein called hemoglobin. This protein has a very high affinity for oxygen. When blood passes through your lungs it becomes saturated with oxygen.

Hemoglobin is an amazing chemical because if you warm it slightly and add a bit of acid, it will give up all its oxygen. Well, when your blood goes through your muscles, the heat from exercise and carbon dioxide force the hemoglobin to give up its oxygen.

Red blood cells do not have nuclei. Developing red blood cells in your bone marrow do have nuclei, but the nuclei disintegrate when they are fully developed: this is because the nuclei are not needed any more.

I hope that you have learnt that all animal cells have a cell membrane, cytoplasm and a nucleus (red blood cells excepted) and that cells are specialized to do different jobs. A biologist would say that "their structures are related to their functions".

The nucleus of a cell contains a very special chemical called DNA. This stands for Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid: It is actually acidic, hence the name. It is found in the nucleus, hence the name. I contains a sugar called deoxyribose, hence the name.

DNA is very special because it contains information to control what the cytoplasm does. Another similar chemical called RNA is used to pass the information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. RNA stand for Ribo Nucleic Acid: it contains a sugar called ribose. The bits of information in the DNA molecules are called "genes".


The cytoplasm is the part of the cell which does all the work. Different cells do different jobs, however whatever the job is it will require energy in the form of a chemical called ATP. This energy containing chemical is produced by tiny organelles in the cell called mitochondria.

Muscle cells contain two very special chemicals called actin and myosin. These are made of protein and they can join together to form actinomyosin. When a nerve impulse simulates a muscle it makes the actinomyosin contract.

The cells in your salivary glands make mucin (a very slippery protein) and amylase (an enzyme). The nuclei of the secretory cells in your salivary gland contain the information about how to make these two proteins in their DNA.

Cell Membranes

The cell membrane controls what comes into and goes out of the cell. Cell membranes are semi-permeable. That means that they allow some things to pass through and prevent other things from passing through. Membranes are NOT fully permeable, NOR are they completely impermeable.

The Human Body Bio Electric Field- How the Energy Field is Created in the Body

For the past 14 years I have been studying the body's electric field in hopes to develop a device that can be powered by the human body. I have been able to create a device to measure the electric field of the human body and its cells.

We all know the body breaks down the food we eat and converts it into energy, but what is not known is how that energy is created. There are several critical factors that are needed for the body to create the electricity that the body needs to operate.

In the next few chapters I will explain how you can not only accelerate the cell reproduction but even show you how you can change the DNA code of a single cell or a cells mass while the cell is alive and in reproduction.

First you have to understand how energy is created in the human body and how your body uses this energy to reproduce the cells. As you know your body break down the food you eat and expels the un-needed by products that the body can filter out. The only problem with this is that with current chemicals in the food and pesticides you body can not filter out some of these. I will explain later why this is urgent and should be carefully monitored because they may not kill you right away but it does have a large bearing on your health.

Your body breaks the food up into minerals and amino-acids that are then absorbed into the blood and tissue of the body. At this point you body is already infested with amino-acids and minerals. The key ones are Iron and Zinc and they are flowing though your blood cells over and though the tissues that contain the amino-acids that your body had broken down from the food you have eaten.

As the blood flows thought the body the tissues proceed to filter out all the toxins from the digested food and expels them from the body. This action heats up the amino-acids in the body causing the known body heat, also this heat accelerates the molecules in the cells causing them to move faster and expel energy that they have stored. The life cycle of the cells reproduction system needs 97% energy mass in order to duplicate the DNA code in the cell.

Energy is stored in the cytoplasm of the cell and it is created from the flow of blood that contains the minerals Iron and Zinc moving over the heated amino-acids in the body. This will create an energy field but the energy field created from this action alone is not enough for the human body to survive this would only create about 48% of the energy the body needs.

Now we have to go back to old school here to understand this procedure and how it creates energy. When were younger we did an experiment where we made a battery from a lemon and a potato. This is the same procedure your body uses to create energy on a larger scale. However this too is not enough energy required but we are forgetting one critical factor that has been over looked since the beginning of science.

We are all living on a planet that has a large magnetic core and we live in that magnetic field. If we go back to the Lemon / Potato Experiment you measure the voltage that is outputted and note it. Next we need to take 2 large powerful magnets and place them so the poles are pushing against them and causing them to push away. You will need to place them close enough that the poles want to veer away from each other. Once in place put you're Lemon / Potato Battery in between the center of the magnetic repel. You will notice a VERY High increase of output from your Battery, also if you use a hair dryer to heat your battery while in magnetic field you will notice an extra increase in power output.

This goes to show that the human body needs the earth's magnetic field to survive and thrive, if the body is removed from the field for a long time that body will not survive long term. A good example is when NASA has people in space station they are expose to some of the earth's magnetic field but not enough of the magnetic field that the body need to create the energy required for the cell reproduction system and the body will begins to degrade and cells proceed to die and become malformed from the toxins that have not been properly flushed out of the body.

You will also note when they return to earth after a long stay they have to seek medical and physical therapy because they have loss of bone and muscles. This is not because of lack of use but because the body is not able to create enough energy to survive and it puts the energy it creates to needed areas like your heart and lungs and also the toxin filtration system.

When a cell has proper and constant energy stored in its cytoplasm the cell is able to filter out the toxins and repel them, but when the energy level is low and the cell is weak from lack of energy some of the toxins make their way though the cells membrane and the toxins are able to mix with the nucleus of the cell.

If the cell survives the infection from the toxins and is able to continue storing energy and going though reproduction cycle the infected toxin will also be reproduced along with the DNA. This cell can reproduce and fill the body with toxins and cause long term illnesses like Cancer and Muscular Dystrophy or even Drug Resistant Viruses depending on the toxin that infected the cell at the time. The good news is that the toxin only has a 5% change of returning to a normal reproductive cycle but most cells usually die after infection because reproduction of the toxin would consume almost all energy stored in the cell.

This would show that without a substitution of the earth's magnetic field a human body or animal would not survive off the earth in any long term space travel. This document will not only explain how the human body works, but it will explain how to repair the damaged cells and accelerate the cell reproduction cycle to improve healing and increasing the life span of the human body. Also this same procedure can be used to substitute the energy field needed to allow long term space travel for the human body.

First in order to understand how to create a substitute energy field you must understand how the cells in the body uses the energy stored to reproduce the cell and DNA. In one reproduction cycle of a healthy cell stores over 300% more energy then what the cell needs for reproduction. Out of that 300% an average of 200% is used for the cells feeding and filtration and defense system. Once a cell reproduces the remaining energy level is split between the two cells. This will then cause the new cells to be weak and require them to start the energy collection again. When the cell has reproduced its energy level is only 40% of required term for reproduction, but at time of reproduction the cell is expelling energy for its defenses and must collect right away.

As explained the human body creates energy from the blood flow with the Iron and Zinc moving though the tissue that has the heated amino-acids while in the magnetic field of the earth. So the faster and more blood flow the body has the more energy is created that your body uses to reproduce cells. When we get older our blood flow decreases and our body still requires the same energy but cause of the slow down it now takes longer for cells to reproduce.

This is shown by active kids and adults who exercise a lot to increase blood flow with cardio vascular exercise. When a person's blood flow is increased the energy level in that person has also increased. This will also increase the cells reproduction system and when the reproduction system increase the body will take less time to heal and recover.

As the body gets older the blood flow will slow down and the energy fields will also decrease this will cause the cells to take longer to reproduce and healing to take longer. And with the low energy levels the collected energy will only go to the critical areas causing the other areas that get less energy to take longer to reproduce and possible get infected by toxins and become malformed. This will cause sickness and disease while the person gets older.

The Human Body Bio Electric Field

When the Cells Cytoplasm has collected enough extra energy from the bodies energy field the replication cell begins. Under normal conditions as the body gets older the Cells take longer to collect the required energy that is needed for replication. The longer it takes for the cell to collect the required energy the more of a chance the cell will die from contamination.

When the cells in the body start to die from contamination this causes the body to slow down and also causes the Cells replication process to take longer. After a while when your cell count becomes decreased and the dead cell mass increases this dead cells can cause further contamination of the Cells and the Cytoplasm.

If the bodies Energy Field can be increased it will slow down the decay of the Cells and Cytoplasm. What is not understood is that in order to increase your Energy Field the body must maintain a healthy diet and exorcize schedule on a daily basis.

The good thing about this is it will slow down the decay rate of the Cells and Cytoplasm by about 43 Percent. This will bring the decay rate down from about 60–80 Percent to 35–46 Percent. Those who are obese and out of shape tend to get sick faster this is because the blood flow can not properly flow though the muscles causing the reaction needed from the iron and zinc acting with the amino-acids in the mussel tissue. The only problem is to prevent illness and to extend the normal life span to late 80's early 90's that person must be healthy and active from birth.

Lets look at two women in her late 30's one who had children when she was younger and one woman that is currently pregnant or just had a child in the last few years. As you know the woman who had her children early would be prone to cancer this is because her body's energy level is low, where as the woman who is currently pregnant in a 5 month term or more would be less prone to cancer.

As you know middle age woman who have children tend to live longer and this is due to energy levels in the body. When a woman has passed the 4-5th month in her term the baby at this point has a body mass and energy by its self. This extra energy being expelled from the baby's body goes into the mother's core body and the mother's body uses the extra energy being expelled. This is why a middle age woman who has children in her late 30's early 40's tends to live longer then one who has not.

When the Cells Cytoplasm does not get the energy value it will need to initiate reproduction the Cells take longer to reproduce. As the Cell takes longer to reproduce there is a greater chance of contamination to the Cells Cytoplasm. Over time once the contamination counts have gotten to 3 Percent of body mass you will have notice changes in your body like grey hair or loss of strength and energy. If the contamination count has reached 8 Percent of body mass this will cause your blood flow rate to decrease. When this happens you need to increase your activity to increase your blood flow rate.

When a Cell dies it gets carried away in the blood stream and the white blood cells begin to break down the dead Cell to its raw format and you body absorbs the broken down cells to feed the living cells. However the parts of the Cells that do not get broken down right away stay in the blood stream and collect over time. The bodies' natural system will clean most of the dead cells out of the blood system but the larger chunks will stay until they get broken down more.

As you know Cancer eats the cells in the body but Cancer is not powerful enough to kill a healthy Cell Cancer can only kill and infect a cell that is weak from low energy. When a Cell does not collect enough energy to resist the infection this is when Cancer or other Illnesses can infect the Cell and spread though out the body. This is why older people when they get Cancer and die in 6-8 months even under treatment but a younger person can last for years.

The Cell gets it energy from the circulating blood though the amino-acids in the tissue but people who are older have slower blood flow and high blood pressure, also people who are obese can not get proper blood flow though the tissue cause of the excess fat in the body. This is also why it takes longer for brain tissue and spinal tissue to heal. This is because there is not enough mussel tissue in the area for the blood to flow though to create the field it needs to reproduce.

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